
Major Roadmap

探索你的选择 全球研究专业指南 — classes, internships, research and study abroad. 找到你感兴趣的, 发现你的所爱, and create a major experience that jumpstarts your future. 


Conflict and climate change are driving migration on multiple continents. Contemporary problems require global solutions, but political and cultural differences can disrupt international agreements. 对能够跨文化工作的人的需求从未像现在这样高——作为一名全球研究专业的学生, 你将帮助创造一个和平的, sustainable future for people around the world.

你将学习地理、世界历史、国际政治、和平与冲突. Intern at an Austin organization that supports immigrants, researches global economic and political trends, 或促进国际贸易. 然后出国,在圣. Edward’s partner universities around the world. 你会发展出政治方面的专业知识, 特定地区的地理和历史, 选择非洲, Asia, Europe, Latin America or the Middle East — as well as a related foreign language.

Graduate ready to build positive relationships between nations as a diplomat, or tackle humanitarian issues like disaster relief or human trafficking. Work for the United Nations or a multinational corporation. Whatever path you choose, you’ll shape the future as a citizen of the world.


全球研究专业的学生可以从事各种各样的职业,也可以从St. Edward’s. Here’s a sample.

  • 美国外交事务官员.S. 国务院
  • 美国国家核安全管理局外交事务官员.S. 国防部
  • 德勤顾问
  • 活跃的渠道助理领导在谷歌
  • 哥伦比亚大学国际与公共事务学院研究生, 乔治敦大学, 纽约大学和德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的LBJ公共事务学院


As a Global Studies majors, you’ll have opportunities to study abroad. 没有什么经历能比生活更能让你对世界共同体(和你自己)有更深的了解, 在国外学习或实习. Read about Brian To ’18他曾在日本留学,获得全球研究和亚太研究双学位.


作为一名全球研究专业的学生,你将学习一门语言,并在国外学习或实习. You’ll also cultivate an international perspective while you’re in Austin, by participating in active-learning projects in your classes, meeting with global experts through the Kozmetsky Center for Excellence, and interning at local organizations that have an international mission.


Your courses will teach you to apply what you learn in real-life situations. 战略情报, 你将了解信息收集在21世纪的重要性,并参与整个学期的收集模拟.

    Study Abroad

    Traveling abroad is the perfect way to learn about another culture, government, and economy and strengthen your language skills. 你可以在圣. Edward’s partner universities across more than 15 countries. 或者通过其他国际教育机构在世界上几乎任何地方学习. 你也可以选择去国外实习, 帮助提高你的文化灵活性, add to your skill set and expand your global network.

    The St. 爱德华亚太大学双学位课程让你有机会在四年内获得两个学位,并在国外学习两年. You’ll spend your first and fourth years of college at St. Edward’s, 获得全球研究文学学士学位, 以及在别府立命馆亚太大学的第二年和第三年, Japan, 获得社会科学学士学位. APU是一个多元文化的校园,学生来自近100个国家,提供日语和英语的大部分课程. Your courses there will focus on Asia Pacific studies and business. The dual degrees — along with the cultural understanding, 语言技能和国际视野,你将获得-将使你更有力地申请工作或研究生院.


    科兹梅茨基卓越中心位于圣. Edward’s brings international experts to campus, 无论是面对面还是虚拟的, to share their knowledge with the university community. Past speakers have included American and foreign diplomats, policy makers, 大学学者, 以及企业的领导者, 非营利和文化社区. 你们将有机会听取这些全球可持续发展专家的意见并提出问题, 和平与安全, global health, 气候变化和全球金融.

    学生可持续发展教育St. Edward’s community about eco-friendly practices and works with the St. Edward’s administration to implement environmental initiatives. 会员帮助维护校园花园, 了解骑车和公共交通, encourage fellow students to reduce their use of plastic water bottles, and have clothing swaps and upcycled craft nights.

    The S.E.R.V.E. 由校园部协调的项目,将你与奥斯汀的志愿者机会联系起来. 你可以参加一个周六早上的项目,在那里你可以打扫公园或粉刷学校大楼, 或者承诺在一个帮助移民的组织里每周服务一整个学期, 儿童或老人.

    服务中断经历 give you the chance to travel to another community, 做志愿者,了解当地生活. SBEs are built on ongoing relationships between St. 并要求学生提前几个月做好教育和精神上的准备. 这次旅行包含了有组织的反思,这样你就可以把你学到的东西整合起来,并用它来推动你的慈善和正义工作. sbe的一个特点是他们强调简单的生活——你会把手机和其他奢侈品抛在脑后. In previous years, SBEs have gone to Peru, Canada, and India.



    St. 爱德华学院是全国培养富布赖特奖获得者最多的学校之一, a highly selective scholarship and grant program sponsored by the U.S. 国务院. 富布赖特学生在大学毕业后进行研究或在国外教英语. Global Studies majors have won Fulbrights to work in Germany, Mexico, Colombia, 西班牙和韩国. 他们的全球教育, language skills, 实习经历, 在国外学习和研究使他们成为有竞争力的候选人.

    Numerous Global Studies majors have been awarded the Benjamin A. 吉尔曼国际奖学金,为本科生出国学习或实习提供资助. 最近有学生获得了这些奖项,前往智利、哥斯达黎加和法国学习.

    博仁奖学金资助美国学生出国留学.S. 对美国经济至关重要的世界各地区的本科生.S. interests. 一名全球研究专业的学生最近获得了印度勒克瑙的博伦奖学金.